USA Test Prep
Results-driven USA Test Prep—achieve success in the English section of the SAT, ACT, and SSAT. Excel in Reading Comprehension and Writing & Grammar skills.
Test Prep lessons are facilitated by experienced instructors with a proven track record of success.
Digital SAT English - Ages 17-19
ACT English - Ages 17-19
SSAT English - Ages 13-16
Digital SAT English
Our digital SAT English lessons focus on mastering the Reading section and Writing & Language sections through key-industry strategies, allowing students to anticipate the types of questions they will encounter on the test, increasing their confidence and proficiency in answering accurately and efficiently.
Reading section
These lessons teach students how to read effectively and efficiently to answer questions quickly and accurately.
Question Types:
• Understanding ideas
• Analyzing details
• Making inferences
• Interpreting Vocabulary
• Identify tone and register
• Understanding structure
• Comparing and contrasting
Key Outcomes:
✓ Enhanced reading skills
✓ Effectively evaluate passages
✓ Increased academic vocabulary
✓ Stronger inference skills
✓ Improved time management
Writing and Language section
These lessons teach students how to edit for advanced grammar, word accuracy and precision, sentence clarity, coherence, and revise sentences and paragraphs to enhance clarity, logic, and organization.
Question Types:
• Expression of Ideas
• Standard English Conventions
• Command of Evidence
• Words in Context
• Data Interpretation
Key Outcomes:
✓ Developed advanced grammar
✓ Improved sentence clarity
✓ Ability to critically analyze texts
✓ Effectively evaluate authorial choices and claims
✓ Strong revision and editing skills
ACT English
Our ACT English lessons focus on mastering the Reading, English, and Writing sections of the ACT test, with emphasis on key-industry strategies, allowing students to anticipate the types of questions they will encounter on the test, increasing their confidence and proficiency in answering accurately and efficiently.
ACT Reading
Lessons are based on the ACT official tests and focus on understanding and analyzing written passages typically encountered in college-level courses and other academic settings.
Question Types:
• Main Idea/Primary Purpose
• Supporting Details
• Inference
• Vocabulary in Context
• Author's Tone/Perspective
• Passage Organization/Structure
• Comparative Relationships
Key Outcomes:
✓ Understand the author purpose
✓ Improved reading comprehension
✓ Draw logical conclusions and inferences
✓ Determine contextualized meaning
✓ Identify opinions, intentions and biases
ACT English
Lessons are based on the ACT official tests and focus on the conventions of standard written English, including rhetorical skills, organization, style, and effective language use.
Question Types:
• Grammar and usage
• Punctuation
• Sentence structure
• Rhetorical devices
• Style and strategy
Key Outcomes:
✓ Recognize the logical flow of ideas
✓ Use punctuation effectively
✓ Combine sentences for coherence
✓ Improve organization and style
✓ Evaluate for appropriate tone
ACT Writing
Lessons are based on ACT official tests and focus on writing argumentative essays based on 1 of 3 prompts, requiring students to take a stance on multiple perspectives and support it in a coherent and well-structured argument.
Key Outcomes:
✓ Critically examine strengths and weaknesses of different viewpoints
✓ Effectively organize and develop ideas coherently
✓ Enhanced vocabulary, sentence structure, and grammar
✓ Increased capacity to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information
SSAT English
Our SSAT English lessons focus on mastering the Reading and Verbals sections of the SSAT test, with emphasis on key-industry strategies, allowing students to anticipate the types of questions they will encounter on the test, increasing their confidence and proficiency in answering accurately and efficiently.
SSAT Reading
Lessons focus on official SSAT tests, teaching students key strategies for reading passages and answering questions quickly and accurately. Students will learn and practice crucial skills like active reading, elimination, time management, and more.
Question Types:
• Main Idea
• Supporting Detail
• Inference
• Vocabulary
• Tone and Style
• Passage Organization
• Function and Purpose
Key Outcomes:
✓ Understand the central theme and purpose of a passage
✓ Evaluate specific details through facts, examples, and evidence
✓ Draw conclusions and make logical inferences
✓ Determine the meaning of a word or phrase based on its context
✓ Identify the author's opinions, intentions, or emotional response
✓ Determine the logical flow of ideas in sentences and paragraphs
✓ Identify the function or purpose of specific sentences and paragraphs
SSAT Verbal
Lessons focus on the Verbal section of the SSAT, consisting of 30 synonym questions and 30 analogy questions. Students practice key strategies in how to productively learn new vocabulary, identify root words and affixes, recognize the different types of analogies, and eliminate wrong answer choices.
SSAT Analogies:
• Synonyms
• Antonyms
• Parts to whole
• Degree
• Category
• Function
• Cause and effect
• Object and purpose
• Characteristics
• Symbols
• Action and result
• Sequential
• Rhyme
• Sequence
• Definition
• Homonyms
SSAT Synonyms:
• Latin roots and affixes
• Greek roots and affixes
• Germanic, French, Spanish, and more
Key Outcomes:
✓ Increased and diverse vocabulary
✓ Recognize relationships between words
✓ Infer meaning from context clues
✓ Make logical connections
✓ Identify patterns
✓ Make inferences
✓ Identify cause-and-effect relationships
✓ Assess the effectiveness of options
✓ Enhanced critical thinking skills
SSAT Writing
Lessons help students plan their essay, allocate their time effectively, and revise and edit their work for clarity and coherence. The goal is to showcase their writing skills and communicate their thoughts effectively within the given constraints
Key Outcomes:
✓ Construct a well-structured essay
✓ Develop a clear thesis statement
✓ Organize ideas in a logical and coherent manner
✓ Use varied sentence structure and vocabulary
✓ Provide convincing evidence to support arguments
✓ Improved grammar, punctuation, and spelling